The pool safety assessment contains questions mapped against the GSPO and Safe Work SA Legislation. The assessment measures a facilities performance against a range of industry, state and national standards, guidelines and legislation. The questions are continually reviewed in line with the changing industry, provisions and requirements. The content of the final report is based on findings and best practice recommendations for any improvements that can be implemented. The assessment is limited to the observations and information available on the day of the assessment. Life Saving SA strongly recommends that facilities undergo a pool safety assessment process on an annual or bi-annual basis. The pool safety assessment provides independent expert information, advice and encourages continual improvement at the facility enabling benchmarking against the aquatics industry and mitigating risk. An overall safety and compliance score of the assessment will be provided in the final report.


The Life Saving SA pool safety assessment is a State Specific tool, built for South Australian pools aligned to the GSPO, the SA Swimming Pools Code of Practice, Safe Work SA regulations and guidelines and has been endorsed and supported by the industry. Our team is led by highly skilled industry professionals with a wealth of industry knowledge and experience.


  • Mapped against the GSPO & Code of Practice

  • Specifically designed for SA Pools

  • Safe Work SA aligned

  • Professionally delivered

The assessment allows pool operators to be informed of any risks, potential hazards or unsafe conditions before an incident occurs. The experienced and qualified assessors will provide you with a detailed pre assessment kit to prepare and a post assessment report. Our assessments will simplify the process and ensure that pools can get most out of their audits and maintain safety and compliance standards.  Pool safety assessments include an analysis of: Pool structure and design, Plant equipment and circulation system, Water quality, Change rooms and ablutions, Chemical storage and handling.